Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Joe the Dumber Never Heard of Bismarck

To:-- Truthout

Re:-- Joe the Plumber

Would that Joe the Dumber had ever heard of the Great Chancellor, who back in the 1880's [sic] coopted LaSalle's socialist platform and instituted the West's first legislation for workmen's comp., mass health care, and secure retirment. To the outraged cries of the dumbkopf's in his own party, Bismarck shrugged, "Call it socialism or what you will it's all the same to me."

It would take 5o years before FDR managed a paltry follow up, and over 100 years later we lag behind 19th century Germany. Indeed we are truly the Shining Bacon on the Hill.


By the way, Bimarck's one close friend was an American, John Lathrop Motley, whom he had met in his student days when the two would drink themselves under the table on July 4th in honour of “Liberty!” But you had to be young and soused.


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