Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Obama's Speech on Race & The True Meaning of Hope

To:-- Candidate Obama

Re:-- Obama's Speech on Racial Divides in America.

Dear Senator Obama,

Your speech on overcoming this country’s pathological racial divide was superb. A friend of mine compared it to Pericles’ Funeral Oration and I think it was of that hue and calibre.

I have long been disgusted at how both major parties have respectively cultivated and sought to exploit white and black resentments under coded labels like “Silent Majority” and “Rainbow Coalition”. Both parties sought to create an indentured political base and by doing so they tore this country apart with useless hates and false issues.

This was not what people like James Zwerg got himself beat up for. It is not what we are about. It was a long time overdue that a politician stood up and cleared the filth from the air by speaking plainly, frankly and sincerely. Thank you.

I want to take this opportunity to call to your attention something that might be of rhetorical use to you in your campaign.

I was less than impressed four years ago when you and Edwards were peddling “Hope is on the way.” People who are hungry need bread, not hope. However, your speech yesterday suddenly resonated off Pope Benedict’s second encyclical, Spe Salvi (Hope Saves) in which he asserted that hope (faith) is a social construct to bridge social alienation.

Benedict began the encyclical with a discussion of slavery in which he contrasted Spartacus with an emancipated slave girl from present day Africa. From the divide between slave and free, he went on to talk about economic exploitation and the divide between rich and poor. By “construct” he meant habits of mind and conduct that overcame these gaps with compassion on the personal level and co-responsibility on the political. You seemed to be saying something similar.

Although Benedict’s writings do not readily lend themselves to quick-reads on the campaign trail, the encyclical can be found at the URL given below.1 I am attaching a relatively short summary I posted last month on one of my blogs. My post was not written with this election in mind, but it quotes relevant passages and can serve to indicate whether the encyclical itself warrants being looked at by someone on your staff.

There will be those who will try to denigrate what you said by mislabelling it as just more black rhetoric. While the ideas you expressed yesterday were most clearly yours arising from your personal experience, I do not think it at all insignificant that they echo the ideas of a man from across the ocean whose biographical background is as far removed from yours as can be imagined.


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Shame of the Democratic Party

To:-- The D.N.C., and other chief Democrat officials

Re:-- Racist Inuendo and Gender Whining by Hillary Cohorts and the Bankruptcy of the Party

I am writing to demand that you and other Democratic party leaders put an end to the divisive and race-mongering tactics being employed by Senator Clinton’s political partisans. Preferably you should demand that she quit the race for the good of the country.

1. For the Good of the Country.

I am old enough to remember when niggers sat in the back of the bus and drank from separate fountains. I am old enough to remember the snide-ass remarks of racist apologists and bully-sheriffs. I am not too old to have forgotten the smell.

This country has come a long hard way from the days of segregation. We have made some things worse and some things better. But when all is said and done, our candidates for president today have included, a woman, a black man, a white man, and candidates of varying faiths and ethnicities. No one has been talking about “Rum, Romanism and Rebellion.”

No one at least until the Clinton campaign has done everything it could to open but freshly sealed wounds by playing the race and religion cards against Obama under the most flimsy tissues of feigned innocent deniability. Ferraro sneering that Obama would not be a candidate but for the fact that he is “black” and former Senator Kerry volunteering that Obama would help America’s image because of his “Muslim roots” (wink wink) are on low level par with Republican mongering over Obama’s middle name.

These contemptible sneers and insinuations are not simply “hard-ball politics”. Given this country’s history, they are serious wounds inflicted on the country solely for the sake of personal ambition and advancement. Desperately clawing for the White House, Clinton is willing to stir up demons from the past.

2. For the Good of the Party

The leaders of the Democratic party would be well advised to wake up and ask themselves why the party has been relegated to the sidelines for the past 30 years. You have lost the Supreme Court, the judiciary, Congress and the White House because you have managed the extraordinary feat of alienating both the left and the right.

What kind of feeble-mindedness could loose labor to a president and party that threatened to destroy unions and put the working man back 75 years? What kind of self indulgent stupidity looses the middle class by harping on superficial social issues under the guise of political correctness? What kind of political cowardice looses progressives by adopting a socio-economic agenda that was written in a corporate boardroom. And lastly, what kind of moral decay sees “no point” in impeaching a president who has managed to subvert the constitution, international law, the political process, the economy and the environment in eight years of unparalleled plunder and destruction?

This election ought to be the Democrats’ for the picking and yet the party is out to prove that it can loose once again. You should not forget that those of us who are progressives are not enthusiastic about either Obama or Clinton. We despise what the party has become. We might vote for its candidate only if the party offers some prospect of progressive change. Do not mistake this for a sure thing.

You should not forget that your precious “center” doesn’t care for you either. It doesn’t, prescisely because you abandoned the real Roosevelt - Johnson tradition of social justice that had been the country’s center for 50 years. If you had pursued policies of corporate responsibility and general welfare within a context of true diversity and freedom you would be in power today rather than on the verge of permanent marginalization. Instead, you thought you could get by on the cheap and easy by pandering to minority hot button issues. It is not that these issues are not important to those whom they concern; but they should only be accomodated within a general policy framework -- never used as a substitute for social policies for all.

You should not forget that even if the occupier of the White House and his party stole the Ohio election he still managed 48% of the popular vote. Excluding the 2% who actually benefit from the Republican agenda, that figure includes 25% who are terminally Republican and comprise the Rock of Stupidity. It includes another 25% who might be described as the moderately center-right. It is no very difficult feat for the Republicans to “moderate” themselves just sufficiently enough to garnish 3%-5% of the center center or just left of center to put them over the top. While these figure are mere rules of thumb, they have proved true over the past 40 years, which is why you have lost and the Republicans have won.

3. For the Sake of Decency

So in this political setting, what is the Clinton Cadre up to? They are stirring up in the same underhanded manner the same race and religion cards that the Republican party, since its inception, has never failed to use.

As if that were not enough, they are engaging in tactics that remind the vast center of those very self-indulgent “special group” issues the center despises, thus giving a vast chunk of the electorate the little reason they need not to vote Democratic.

Let’s be very clear about one thing: Hillary Clinton is not an oppressed woman. She is one of America’s more fortunate. She has made it to the top of the political heap with no small measure of financial security and comfort. The difficulties she encounters are the difficulties that anyone in high position, angling for higher position, encounters. For Hillary Clinton, Geralidne Ferraro, Erica Jong, and the whole case of successful, secure women who have access and voice, to be playing the gender victim and whining about discrimination is simply nauseating.

There are women in this country who suffer terrible disadvantages. You can see them at battered women’s shelters or “putting up” with their boss when called into the office. You can see them working Wal-Mart checkout stands, tired out at 20 and still tired at 60. Hillary is not one of them. She does not symbolise any of them. For anyone to mistake the one for the other is a form of Marie Antoinettism that will get them only to the political guillotine.... and deservedly.

In conclusion

The leaders of the Democractic Party must put a stop to Clinton tactics that do a grave disservice to the tenor of our political discourse, that disgrace the party and go the extra mile destroy its electoral chances -- all for the sake of unrestrained personal ambition. If you fail to do that, you might as well follow Joe Lieberman and become tag-alongs to the Republican party. The insurance companies and banks will still pay you to put up a farce, but you will never regain power.


Hilary's Shallow Victory; Spiegel 's Shallow Glee

To:-- Der Spiegel

Re:-- Hilary Clinton's Primary Victory in Ohio

Der Spiegel can hardly hide its glee. But before neo-liberals crow about Hillary's supposed "victory" in Ohio, they (and you) might want to investigate the reports that the "victory" was due to Republican cross-over votes, which were being encouraged by such paragons of political virtue like Rush Limbaugh, a frothing, tele-gogic, racist.

(And yes, while Republicans don't allow Democrats to vote in their primaries, Democrats allow Republicans to "cross over" and sabotage Democrat primaries.)


Sunday, March 2, 2008

Distorting for Israel

To:--San Francisco Chronicle

Re:-- Pro-Israeli bias and distorted reporting on the Gaza situation.

Typically the Chron & US-UK media distort the facts in Israel's favor.

  • Abbas and Arabs didn't call Israel's action a holocaust. Israel's own defense minister did; although they then backpedalled saying "holocaust" only meant "a big mess" -- (which is why ADL and AIPAC fought tooth and nail against recognition of the Armenian "big mess" -- right?);
  • The article fudges the fact that Hamas was duly elected and has made three truce offers to Israel (i.e. to stop the missle attacks) all of which have been rejected by Israel;
  • The article engages in a revolting sophistry by characterizing the Palestinian attacks as a rain of missiles on Israeli communities. The "missiles" are jumbo firecrackers that fall almost entirely on Sderot, on the other side of the Gaza fence. About 3 or 4 israelis have been killed in four years. Compare daily number of Palestinians killed
  • The US (including Nancy Pelosi and our reps) are aiding and abetting Israel's war crimes (as per the UN and the World Court). It's time our craven and criminal support stop.

Confraternal Cowardice

To:-- Selected Senators

Re:-- Congressional silence in face of Israel's statement that it was prepared to inflict a "holocaust" [sic] on Gaza.

I never voted for or against anyone on account of race, gender, religion or ethnic origin. By the same token I don't expect any public official to put his/her race, gender, religion or ethnic ties over what is right for the country (USA) and what is morally right.

Unfortunately there is a large number of Jewish officials elected and otherwise who are putting their ethnic ties over what is expedient for the United States and over what is humane and moral.

What Israel is doing in Gaza is a war crime. It violates international law, and it conforms to the categories of genocide developed and defined by Rafael Lemkin, himself a Polish Jew.

It is time to put an end to AIPACs influence and I demand that you condemn Israel's threatened "holocaust" on Gaza.

Dont even think of bullshitting. ADL did not spend two years brow-beating Congress against recognizing an Armenian Holocaust if "shoah" only meant the "kitchen mess" or "picnic fiasco"

Don't even think of bullshitting. I have read what the IDF said about the limiting "calories" in order to bring pressure to bear; i.e. starvation as geo-political policy.

Don't even thing of bullshitting. Israel does not exist in terror under a "rain" of fire-crackers. I know the numbers so do you.

Don't even think of bullshitting. Israel refuses to recognize an elected government. It has turned three truce offers and it is engaged in disproportionate and indiscriminate response. You know, like Lidice. It has also exposed Gaza to imminent risk of typhus... you know like in the ghettos and camps.

You stand up and speak out for what is decent and morally right or I will never vote for you or your cohorts again.


Sounding the Kazoo over Pond Algae

To:-- Counterpunch

Re:-- An article declaiming against the Zionist Lobby.

I will vote for Nader or even Ron Paul - although truth be known that would not be so much a vote as a form of inner emigration, so that if Nader drops out, you could write in my dog, Rosco who is a paw-in candidate.

The difficulty, as you surely must know, is that even if Nader were to win or even if Obama were to reveal himself to be a closet social-democrat, the system itself is impervious to change. The only circumstance which would allow for change would be a near universal groundswell that would sweep both Houses of Congress to such a degree as to over ride or ballyhoo the unswept part of the Senate, which as you also surely know, has staggered terms.

The notion of groundswell in a populace that has less social consciousness than pond algae is far fetched. (Pope Benedict has a thing or two to say about the re quisite social consciousness in his latest encyclical, Spe Salvi. But he is so far ahead of pond algae, that he might as well spit in the wind as far the US is concerned.)

Thus, the system can only be manipulated thorugh bribery or blackmail -- which of course is where the Jewish Lobby comes in. But although the zionist column has hijacked signficant parts of US policy, the degeneracy of the US body politic, the corruption of its government and the sheer evil of the policies it pursues is far greater than any merely Jewish contribution to the brew.

Nevertheless, I have sounded the kazooo against the latent flaws in the Israeli Project for over 20 years in which time I have managed to cause the scales to fall from a grand total of I think 4 eyes. (You don't think any missive I wrote ever got published?) These days I routinely rip the tissue off zionist thuggery as you can see at the following blogspots.


Saturday, March 1, 2008

Der Spiegel Tries to Rub Out Easter

To:-- Der Spiegel

Re:-- A Parade of Holo-Tales on Holy Week

May I remind you that for 1 billion of us Christians this is Holy Week?

You haven't reported a single story on Holy Week or on the Pope's message for peace in Iraq. Instead, beginning on Palm Sunday, your presses have printed nothing but a parade of holocaust related stories in one form or another.

Is it your intent and that of your guilt-besotted prime minister to rub out Christian celebrations with perpetual Holocaust Remembrance?

What next? St. Mathew Passion in the garbage can? Why not all of Bach. After all it's all "ultimately" his fault too.

Save it for Yom Kippur.
