Saturday, June 21, 2008

Un Compromiso Ibérico Con América

To:- El

Re:- Spain's Obligation to the New World


Adjunto un archivo in formato PDF que contiene un artículo escrito en 1939 por mi padre, para el diario oficial, El Nacional, "Los Inmigrantes Españoles" en el cual escribió:

"Vienen los españoles a México como un hombre que retorna a sus propios lares, .... Es con ese sentimiento que los españoles llegan a nuestras playas. No son ni pueden ser extraños. Son nuestros por adopcion de antaño. Vienen a su casa. Vienen a su otra patria."

Vale recordar que España tiene un compromiso histórico y moral con Ibero-America y si falta en honrarlo se torna en contra de si mismo.


Tuesday, June 17, 2008


To:-- La Jornada

Re:-- President Calderon's Visit to Spain

Que ingratos sois!! No se dan cuenta que PARA VOSOTROS, nuestro amado y valiente presidente, Don Felipe Calderón, se fué a España a pedir "inversiones?" (ya que nuestros amigos al norte se cansaron de comprar). Que orgullo sentia ver a nuestro representante el Chaparito Chilango parado junto a su muy altoza Principe de Asturias! Ingratos!


Beating a Dead Beat Horse

To:-- Socialist Worker.Org

Re:-- Candidate Obama's Criticism of Dead-Beat Dads

Seems to me that y our slamming of Obama for his criticism of dead beat dads unfairly criticised something that needed to be said.

First of all, from what you quoted, it was not clear that Obama was speaking about "black" fathers. Although he was speaking to a black audience he spoke only of "fathers" in general.

Secondly and assuming his comments were directed at black fathers in particular, the sad fact is that broken families and absent fathers lie like a plague on black communities. Scores of ministers and social workers will tell you as much, just as they condemn the "toxic" (their word) culture of rap, sexbitches and drugs. Dressing this up as some sort of "valid" alternative & "revolutionary" culture disserves the cause of true progress and empowerment.

Obama is far too liberal (i.e. capitalist & reactionary) for me -- but I don't think he desrves to be criticised when he speaks candidly about taboo social issues.


Monday, June 9, 2008

All the Statistics Fit to Print

To:--New York Times

Re:--A Report on the Unemployment Rate and other Percentages

Perhaps you could clarify what the exact % of unemployed US-Americans is? Like most news sources you report that the unemployment rate has just risen to 5.5% But further on in your article you write: "The unemployment rate does not count people who have given up looking for work. Over all, the percentage of working age Americans employed dropped to 62.6 percent in May from 63 percent a year earlier." Using normal English, that means that 38% of working age Americans are not working. Is that right? Is that an indicator of a "vibrant and productive society" ?


Please clarify

Saturday, June 7, 2008

If they had only Bypassed Poland in the First Place

To:--Der Spiegel

Re:-- The "new" German-Russian "strategic partnership".

Medvedev by once again emphasizing the strategic nature of the German-Russian partnership. Once in Berlin, Medvedev aimed much of his speech at NATO, warning that continued eastward expansion of the alliance could harm Western relations with Moscow. "There will be no confrontation, of course," he said. "But the price will be high. That will inflict very serious damage."

When it came to Merkel, however, Medvedev didn't arrive empty handed and announced an "energy partnership" with Berlin. The German chancellor responded by praising Russia's reliability as a gas and oil supplier and threw her support behind the controversial North Sea pipeline planned to deliver gas from Russia directly to Germany, thus bypassing Poland.

Haha.... well if they had bypassed Poland in the FIRST place, Churchill would be footnoted as a drunk tory politician, FDR as a two term failure and we'd all be singing beer hall songs to the accompaniment of electric balailaikas.
