Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Beating a Dead Beat Horse

To:-- Socialist Worker.Org

Re:-- Candidate Obama's Criticism of Dead-Beat Dads

Seems to me that y our slamming of Obama for his criticism of dead beat dads unfairly criticised something that needed to be said.

First of all, from what you quoted, it was not clear that Obama was speaking about "black" fathers. Although he was speaking to a black audience he spoke only of "fathers" in general.

Secondly and assuming his comments were directed at black fathers in particular, the sad fact is that broken families and absent fathers lie like a plague on black communities. Scores of ministers and social workers will tell you as much, just as they condemn the "toxic" (their word) culture of rap, sexbitches and drugs. Dressing this up as some sort of "valid" alternative & "revolutionary" culture disserves the cause of true progress and empowerment.

Obama is far too liberal (i.e. capitalist & reactionary) for me -- but I don't think he desrves to be criticised when he speaks candidly about taboo social issues.


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