Saturday, October 25, 2008

Barbara Boxer Ducks, Slips & Weasels on her Own Behalf

To:--Senator Barbara (The Slip) Boxer

Re:--Boxer's Slipping Out from Under Issues

During the Bailout votes, I sent an email to Carolyn Lochhead at the SF Chronicle, asking why The Chron only reported on what Feinstein had to say on the issue. Ms. Lochhead replied as follows:

"It could be because Boxer slips out of the luncheons from a door where we reporter types don't hang out."

It seems that you spend a lot of time "slipping out" from under issues. You have never responded with a direct answer to any comment/question I have made.

Moreover you have played both sides of the fence. While you were sending one friend of mine "Peace & Freedom" progressive style emails, you were sending me Uber Patriot VFW style feeds. God only knows why, since nothing I ever said would indicate a military mind set. I guess there's always some bimbo that gives away the game.

Don't you think that it is pathetic (to say nothing of destructive to democracy) for senators to engage in issue avoidance and niche group marketing? Or maybe the only thing politicians stand up for is their own sinecure.


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