Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Holo Witch Hunt

To:-- San Francisco Chronicle

Re:-- War Crimes Trial of Demjanuk

This trial is an obscenity - nothing more than holo-witch hunt instigated by Jewish interest groups and inflamed by a willing press.

The US Justice Department already prosecuted Demjanjuk for being a sadistic guard ("Ivan") at another camp. The DOJ did so on the basis of knowingly false testimony. The U.S. Sixth Dist. Court of Appeal found that the DOJ (sic) comitted "fraud on the court" and threw out the conviction.

The DOJ then got its contacts in Israel to bring another case charging Demjanjuk with being a guard at Sobibor. His alleged peripheral participation in genocide is based on vague statements in a confession obtained by Soviet interrogators.

The ISRAELI SUPREME COURT threw out this case because it violated basic principles of Double Jeopardy. It also rejected the DOJ's excuse that it had never heard (sic!) of Sobibor.

But the guilt ridden Germans can always be persuaded & so we all get to watch the nauseating drama of "Witchunt on 34th Street". Merry Xmas

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