Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Wussies In Disarray

Chronicle Blogitor:

Once again the Wussiecrats have proved their worthlessness as a party. Why are they in disarray? Because they are in disarray.

The primary reason for this is that they lack a real political ideology. Instead of fighting for a true progressive/environmental social democracy they substitute so-called "liberal" personal validation issues -- the junk food of real politics. Why do they do this? In part because they are truly morons with the weltanschaunng of a tabloid; but also in part because they understand in at least an intuitive way that cheap-n'-easy "liberal social issues" won't offend their real backers and up-their butt masters.

The second reason is that they are cowards who run like pathetic mice every time the Party of Sleaze, Slither and Slime starts flinging its usual filth around. Of course, not having any ideology to stand up for makes it difficult to stand up for anything. But basically they are just craven office holders who will lie as low as possible in order to keep their privileged position. Boxer and Kerry are prime examples of this spineless ilk. Boxer is such a hypocrite that she markets different personalities to different "constituencies". And what could be more emblematic of Kerry's lumpen spinelessness than his standing mute and helpless as goons tazered a protester in front of his very eyes?

The third reason is that half of all Wussiecrats are just republicans in drag -- two faced Gorgons like Lieberman & Feinstein ( "we can't afford health care for you") and, yes, the smooth talking Obama. Yes, it is true that Michelle Obama worked for a firm that helped insurance companies dump unprofitable subscribers. More to the point, a perusal of who was actually backing and bankrolling Obama's campaign showed that it was a variety of corporate and "foreign policy" interests that weren't remotely progressive.


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