Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Dangers of Safety

To:--San Francisco Chronicle

Re:--Inflamed Reactions to O'Reilly's Bigotted Remarks

I suggest people read Madison's Federalist Paper No. 10, in which he talks about "factions" and all the hot button issues people get inflammed over.
Liberty, he says, is like air. No one would think of abolishing air just because oxygen gives fire its destructive force.
O Reilly is a human sewer, The stench of his hot air is revolting and has destructive force. The fact that he has an audience at all points to a serious and deeper social degeneracy that afflicts the country.
NEVERTHELESS -- Beware the Saf-T mavens, muddled sociologists groping for "causes" " and police state puritans like Feinstein who want to "limit" and "protect" and "responsiblize" free speech. There is a bill in Congress which would have the FBI and Fed "assist" local governments in "monitoring" bias speech. These "protections" are worse than the disease.


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