Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Dulling of America

To:-- Truthout

Re:-- American Responses (and Lack Thereof) to Israeli Barbarism in Gaza

As the responses show, there are and have been voices that do and have protested Israeli humanitarian crimes and US collusion in its ongoing thuggery. This is mine explaining why Christmas requires us to protest on behalf of the Gazans.

The question remains, why officialdom in the United States remains so cowardly and supine in the shadow of Israeli war crimes?

It is not enough to point the finger at a Zionist cabal that has subverted the press and penetrated key junctures in government --- although all that is true enough. Nor is it enough to point to a propaganda of victimhood that seek to blackmail criticism while immunizing barbarity. It is not enough to blame the "Jewish Lobby" for its successes.

A people whose moral sense had not been dulled into oblivion could not be held hostage by such machinations. A people whose collective intelligence had not been dumbed down to the level of a cow would easily see through the distortions paraded as self-evident fact on the pages of our most august newspapers.

So what happened America? Is this the bitter fruit of your exceptionalism, self-righteousness, and anti-intellectual- ism, or is it just plain ol' sloth and obesity slurping at the trough of tuffness?

Maybe it is all of those things, maybe none. But I do know that America is at war with itself; it just doesn't know it yet.


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