Saturday, September 20, 2008

Dribbling Shit & Dripping Blood

To:--Members of Congress

Re:--Legislative Achievments - 2008

Let’s see here....

$75 billion to prop up insurance giant AIG, but not one penny for universal health care?

$100 billion to prop up Fannie & Freddie but not a dime of effective relief for struggling homeowners?

$200 billion several times over for death and destruction in Iraq and Afghanistan but not a dollar for free merit-based higher education so our young men and women can begin life uncrushed by hopeless debt?

And now...

$700 billion to bail out gambling fat cats and fraudsters but not not a red cent of bankruptcy relief for families forced onto the streets or bankrupted by illness?

The English language does not have words harsh and vile enough to describe how repulsive and loathsome the whole damn lot of you are.

Your mouths dribble shit and your hands drip with blood.

You are beyond disgusting, but God does arise to trample out the vintage.

Your own children will sit in the rubble you have prepared for them and curse your name.


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