Monday, April 28, 2008

Der Spiegel Outrages over Sunny Days in Wartime

To:-- Der Spiegel

Re:-- A photographic exhibit of life in Paris during the Nazi occupation, which Der Spiegel outrages failed to show the dark side, the dark side, the dark side --- did we mention the dark side? -- of elsewhere at the time.

Ha ha ha! Once again Der Spiegel strains every muscle to prove that it is one of Lord Beaverbrook's organs. The shame of it all!! To think that some Parisians might have enjoyed the sunshine during the German Occupation! Perish the mention that half of Europe was fascist! No no... we need politically correct (and expedient) explication de texte from the strength-through-pure thought police at Der Spiegel.

The photographs are "superficial" ... Well, life on a sunny Sunday afternoon tends not to be very profound.... anywhere, anytime. Take a look at some wartime editions of "Life"....

The photographs depict Parisians enjoying themselves at the very moment... (the Very Moment)... Jews were being deported to Koncentration Kamps.... Yes, and also at the Very Moment German boys were dying inthe thousands on the Eastern Front? I guess they don't count, at least Germans don't count them.

Spiegel goes on to whine that the photographs don't show the darker side of the occupation! No... But the miles upon miles of WWII "documentaries" have more than adequately showed the darker side of "the enemy" and have failed to show the lighter side of life that perdures even during war. We need hardly mention the word "collaboration". Holy Maurice, Heavens no!

You don't want balance. You don't want history. You don't want nuance. You just want to beat the drums of your manicheean soap opera.
